Revive P (1 Ltr)
AGRALAN REVIVE P Microbial soil treatment Agralan Revive contains a specific Bacterium, isolated from UK soil. The concentrated product is stable until diluted, when the bacteria will start to grow and multiply. The problem 'Virgin' soils support a diverse population of plants and a diverse, balanced population of micro-organisms. Intensive agriculture and horticulture as a matter of course depend on mono-cropping and high inputs of artificial fertilisers. The effect is to significantly alter the balance of soil micro-organisms, usually involving a build up of pathogenic fungi. In many instances these fungi may cause specific disease problems, or a more general state of 'soil sickness' may develop. The product The Bacteria in Revive will help restore the natural balance of soil micro-organisms. This will result in improved soil fertility and root growth. In particular it will 'mop up' root exudates (which often trigger infection by soil pathogens). Benefits will vary with soil type and condition. The product is likely to be more effective in soils with relatively high content of organic matter. In soils where organic matter is low, consideration should be given to adding organic material. Usage of Agralan Revive Treatment of soil is recommended in a range of horticultural crops, including vegetables, ornamentals and soft fruit. It may be applied before or during cropping either as a soil drench, a root dip for transplants or mixed with compost before potting or sowing. Revive should always be diluted before use. The diluted product must be used within 48 hours of preparation. As a soil drench – apply 50mls of concentrate (diluted in 5-10 litres of water), per 100sq.metres of soil. This is the equivalent to 5 litres per hectare in 500 litres. Irrigate shortly after application. As a root dip – Dilute 100mls of concentrate in 10 litres of water. Immerse the plant roots for a few minutes before planting. Post planting treatment – Dilute 100mls of concentrate in 10 litres of water. Apply to the base of individual plants. Addition to compost – water on to compost before planting at a rate of 1ml. of concentrate per 10 litres of compost (1 litre per 10,000 litres of compost). Do not apply within 48 hours of a pesticide application. Frequency of usage Due to the wide variation in soil type and condition, it is not possible to give a precise guidance on the frequency of use. Revive will survive better in soils with reasonable organic content, with good drainage and moisture retention. As a general rule glasshouse soils may require more frequent treatment, possibly monthly intervals. Outside, soils will benefit from treatment at least twice a year. The benefits are likely to be cumulative. It is not possible to over-dose with Revive. Storage This product should be stored in a cool place. As a natural product, variations in colour and consistency may occur. This does not affect efficacy. Disposal Excess diluted product may be disposed of by pouring on to soil. Health and Safety Revive is a totally natural product and is not harmful to the environment. Good housekeeping practice should always be followed, especially with the concentrated product. Irrigate eye splash with plenty of water. Rinse mouth and drink plenty of water to dilute if ingested. Produce should be thoroughly cleaned before consumption. Containers should be thoroughly washed before re-use.