Effective nematodes against slugs
What is Phasmarhabditis-System?- Contains the parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita
- Effective in a temperature range between 5 °C and 30 °C
- Fast control
- Long-term protection against soil-dwelling slugs
- No side effects on beneficials
- Safe for people and environment
- Grey field slug (Deroceras reticulatum)
- Brown field slug (Deroceras panormitanum)
- Arion spp. (less than 1 gram)
- Carinaria (Milax spp)
- Greenhouse slug (Lehmannia valentiana)
- Small snails (living in the substrate)
- Infectious juvenile nematodes search for soil-dwelling slugs
- They penetrate their prey through the respiratory opening under the mantle
- An infected slug stops eating after two days and shows a typical swelling of the mantle
- These nematodes are hermaphroditic and self-fertilising, which causes them to produce hundreds of offspring
- When the snail starts to decompose, a new generation of nematodes disperses in search of their next prey
- Several agricultural and horticultural crops
Phasmarhabditis-System is gelformulated in a specially developed inert carrier and is delivered in the following units:- 12 million nematodes
- 30 million nematodes
Relevant crops
- Strawberry
- Public green
Relevant pests and diseases
Technical SheetTank mix compatibility